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A little bit more on Indeed…

Last week, I wrote about Indeed and its sudden growth in the search rankings. Right now, if you check out any job market, the chances are that Indeed will come in the top 3. Indeed works as a search engine, not a job board – it aggregates content, which is then highly visible on Google…

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Do all roads lead to Job boards? Or just to Indeed?

A new suitor to all HR recruiting has arrived on the scene – and they’re called Indeed*. They’re growing fast, and in fact they’re starting to own the search marketplace for recruitment. I’ve just finished looking at the SilkRoad recruitment marketing effectiveness study of 1,054 companies, mostly in the US. Now, before you go thinking…

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Are we all a bit like Felix?

When it comes to Social Media for HR, are we a bit like Felix Baumgartner? Standing on the edge of space, waiting to leap? He set the world record for skydiving an estimated 39 kilometres (24 mi), reaching an estimated speed of 1357.64 km/h (843.6 mph), or Mach 1.25, on 14 October 2012, and became…

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