I'm old enough to remember the days when recruitment advertising filled the pages of the…

A little bit more on Indeed…
Last week, I wrote about Indeed and its sudden growth in the search rankings. Right now, if you check out any job market, the chances are that Indeed will come in the top 3.
Indeed works as a search engine, not a job board – it aggregates content, which is then highly visible on Google search listings. Indeed can do this as they’ve developed an ongoing relationship with Google, which sees them deliver clients through keywords to Google and then both sides benefit from the click-throughs.
This relationship sees all the major job boards putting together spends and budgets to enhance their jobs with Indeed through key words – in other words, these job boards help populate Indeed (that’s a rough translation, as it’s a search engine, not a job board). The job boards then pay to climb up Indeed’s rankings and, hence, improve their job search ranking.
It is yet another sea change in recruitment – and it’s one that will provide a welcome application volume increase to client and job board campaigns via click-throughs, while attaching the right tokens to these roles will also offer an opportunity for a full-on quality analysis of the increased traffic.
I get the impression that their relationship with Google is so strong that as long as this remains in place, they will be occupying the first page of most Google job searches.
It’s this model that saw Indeed sold for a reported billion pounds recently and I can only see it going from strength to strength once clients understand what it is all about. It has to be a worry for job boards already under pressure from social media. With a Spanish giant about embark on a huge campaign across the UK and LinkedIn upping its usability in places, the next 5 years will be critical in all job boards’ evolution.
Panic will be creeping in for some, methinks.