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The Future of Recruitment & Technology in Scotland

Putting on an event must be easy. Getting great speakers to travel round the world must be simple. Getting of people to share your event on social and get involved in a big conversation about the direction of our industry must be a piece of cake. After all, that’s exactly how it appeared at the…

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Pactive recruitment problem solving

What is recruitment getting wrong for candidates?

I recently read a superb article from Social Talent, written by Siofra Pratt (if you don’t get their updates you should. plenty of good reads and HR advice – take a look here). It basically compared how recruiters contact candidates – (Image 1) with how candidates want to be contacted (Image 2 from Laudale). See…

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Pactive Engaging means inspiring

Why you should always be inspiring people

Did you see Masterchef on 20th April? I don’t normally watch the show, but I caught an episode last week that amazed me (you can watch it on iplayer). An experienced chef asked the five contestants into his restaurant, showed them what he wanted them to cook and then left them to it. The general…

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Summer in Pactive land

What Spring & Summer look like in Pactive World…

It’s safe to say that the last 2 years have been a massive learning curve around digital for Pactive – from project managing the build of a national job with people like Madgex, to working with key ATS suppliers such as Firefish. It’s true that every day is a school day. The noise on social media…

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Thoughts for Employers – Simple Observations 1 to 11

There’s been a lot of discussion around Employer Branding recently – with plenty of differing opinions, rules and approaches. So I’ve done some research (reading 5 chunky reports in the past few days), and drilled down to compile a few key points as a waffle-free introduction, in layman’s terms: There’s no getting past it –…

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social media

Social Media Recruitment: Silver Bullet?

As the saying goes, you can take a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink. It’s very easy to get drawn into trying something new and expecting results within days. But whatever anyone says, there is no silver bullet. You should get involved in social media, because it can bring all sorts of…

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Make the most of your company LinkedIn page

I have had the pleasure of working with A G Barr in setting up their company page including products videos and job listings. It always amazes me the reaction you can get for simple messages and shares – last weeks have seen a tremendous response from both the home page and my followers.   The…

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Google+ icons

Google+ is it growing – or is just me ?

I have been using Google+ for a number of years and in truth have not ever considered it as a more than wee add on solution – however I am finding myself interacting with it more across the board and it is helping so many people improve their Google rating. (That’s a TH thought process…

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Inmails on form

As someone who has been using LinkedIn Inmails for a number of years, I’ve always found them a little hit and miss – despite all the discussion and often heated debate from LinkedIn. I just didn’t think they were reliable. There were even times when response rates were so low that I started to question…

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Dear Linkedin: you’re trying too hard

I can’t be the only one getting fed up with all the meaningless noise on LinkedIn – all the updates and features desperately trying to get me to interact. To me, it seems that LinkedIn is trying to hard. For example: In the past week, I helped two clients change some details on their profile:…

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